Wednesday, November 2, 2016

It's me again, Michelle

             Hi again to all. I got stuck out of town for a few days so I missed Dee’s apple adventure. Then I wrote this really cool blog, but forgot to save it and it ended up in cyber space somewhere. So you are just gonna have to trust me when I tell you it was brilliant; a Masterpiece for the ages. The gods wept over the beauty of phrasing and verse.
I tried to rewrite it, but it just wasn't the same. I mean it's like the portrait of the Mona Lisa. Yes, many people can copy the style and structure well enough that a lay person would not know the difference and it may even take the experts a bit to puzzle it out, but, eventually, even they will spot the subtle differences and feel gypped at being shown an inferior product.
     You, our faithful followers, are not an average Joe. You are connoisseurs of literature. Only a truly talented word smith can sate your hunger and need for the Divine written word. I understand this and would never dream of trying to post something that was anything less then sublime, so therefore those magic words are gone and all I can say to you all is: I'm sorry. Please don't be too discouraged I am sure that my next blog will be up to the standard you have come to expect from my quill. I will not let you down.
        Until then I hope you all enjoy life to the best of your ability while waiting on our next encounter.   Thank you for your understanding.
~ Michelle.