Monday, October 17, 2016

Fall has Fallen

From our intensive research last week we decided chocolate seems to be the winner when it comes to dessert, especially when it is paired with fruit. Thank you to the three people who gave us your votes.

We are one week closer to publication. This week should see the end of fixes to the manuscript and then next week we will concentrate on getting the cover right. We will give you a sneak peak here on the blog and will probably give you a chance to let us know which cover design you prefer.

My project for the week, other than writing feverishly of course, is to try to turn a bunch of apples into some wonderful apple cider. Every year I get excited to see the bounty of fruit on the tree in our side yard. Visions of apple pies and apple crisps abound. I plan to make apple sauce to last the winter. And then I remember. I don’t really like apples. I did make a ton of apple sauce one year but then I actually had to eat it so I won’t be doing that again any time soon.  But surprisingly, I do like apple cider.

So this year I am going to use my meat grinder and cheese press to try to make some cider. It should be an interesting experiment. I’ll hopefully remember to take some pictures of the process and I’ll let you know how it turns out.

What’s your favorite thing about fall? Is it the leaves, the cooler weather, apple cider, or something else? Let us know. We look forward to hearing from you.


  1. Good luck on your cider endeavor. Fall is a fantastic season because we get to enjoy the soups, hot chocolate and festive things like Thanksgiving, and harvesting the fruits of our labors.

  2. Fall is my favorite time of year. Sweaters, boots, cider, pumpkins, apples etc. I really love the colors though. That is my favorite part. Driving around looking at all the beauty God gave us. I enjoy all desserts but apple is the only fruit I can eat warm. So I make a lot of cobblers, pies and crisps. Good luck with your projects. Hopefully it works out for you.

  3. I love fall colors as well. But one of my favorite things is the way the air smells. Glad you stopped by to visit!
